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Perth Academy Remembers

Perth Academy Remembers WW2


In 2014 a group of students at Perth Academy set out on a journey to remember 168 former pupils and staff of the school who lost their lives in the Great War. They called their project “Flowers of the Forest” and they held remembrance ceremonies and commemorative events throughout the centenary of the First World War.

The Great War Memorial was originally installed outside the old Academy building in Rose Terrace in February 1921 and was moved to its present location in the school hall when the new school opened at Viewlands in 1932.

In November 1950 a memorial plaque to 76 former pupils who gave their lives during the Second World War was unveiled beneath the original Great War memorial. The ceremony was conducted by Col T. Harris Hunter, Rev. T. Fotheringham Gibb and Rev. W. A. Smellie. Four wreaths were laid from the F.P.s, the staff, the Cadets and the Scouts.

The project to provide the Second World War Memorial was inaugurated by the Perth Academy F.P. Club and the bulk of the money was subscribed by former pupils and members of the Academy Parents Teachers’ Association.

In 2021 the school was awarded a grant by the Gannochy Trust & the Culture Perth & Kinross Living Communities Participation Fund for a remembrance project to honour the memory of our former pupils. A group of students and staff have produced a film to pay tribute to our fallen and to tell the story of the Second World War as seen through the eyes of the Perth Academy family.

The biographies that follow have been produced to support the project, provide a permanent record of the lives of those who made the ultimate sacrifice and help to keep their memories alive.


Flowers of the Forest WW1


 A report appeared in the Perthshire Advertiser on 12th February 1921 entitled:

 Academy War Memorial

Impressive Unveiling Ceremony

Duke of Atholl and Personal Sacrifice

 The memorial itself was the gift of Mr. Francis Norie-Miller of Cleave and was unveiled by the Duke of Atholl. The memorial bears the names of 165 former pupils and staff of Perth Academy and Sharp’s Institution who lost their lives in the Great War; and it is a testament to their sacrifice that the school community gather at the memorial every year on Remembrance Day to say “We will remember them”. Four people are also commemorated on the Roll of the Fallen, but unfortunately their names do not appear on the memorial.

A group of pupils, led by Miss Laura Hobson, and aptly named “Flowers of the Forest” felt that the school should honour all of the Fallen, on the hundredth anniversary of their death. The aim of this document is to support their commitment, and to provide a permanent record of Perth Academy’s contribution to the Great War. The individual biographies of our fallen are available in this section of the school website to provide a brief glimpse at their lives.

A century ago they were the pupils and staff with the same fundamental aims and aspirations that we have today. The world has changed a great deal since the Great War, but Perth Academy still stands for the same values - fairness, ambition and respect for all people. This is evident in the School motto, “Pro Rege, Lege et Grege”, "For the King, the Law and the People.” When you look through their stories it is hoped that you can see something of the human being behind each of the names.

We Remember our “Flowers of the Forest"

WW1 Individual Biographies

Alexander PJ

Allan W

Amess J

Armstrong W

Ballantine D

Bates J

Baxter J

Boag W

Brand R

Brewster J

Brough T

Campbell AJ

Campbell T

Cant D

Carmichael D

Carmichael G

Cesari S

Chapman S

Clark S

Clow G

Condie W

Coupar J

Coutts J

Cuthbert H

Davidson G

Don J

Donaldson W

Doull G

Dow J

Dow W

Drummond D

Duff P

Duncan F

Edwards J

Ellis R

Fairweather T

Farley G

Ferguson G

Ferguson R

Forbes W

Fraser A

Freeman G

George D

Gordon D

Gorrie J

Gow J

Gowans J

Graves H

Gray A

Greig G

Greig J

Gyle E 

Halley B

Halley P

Hamilton W

Hardie J

Harley A

Harris W

Hendry H

Hood C

Irvine D

Jamieson J

Johnston C

Johnston J

Johnston L

Keay R

King W

Lawson J

Leitch A

Leitham H

Leyden H

Lindsay James

Lindsay John

Lindsay W

Low J

Macaulay J

MacFarlane P

MacFarlane W

Mackinlay G

Mackintosh P

MacMillan J

Maconochie J

Malloch D

Marshall R

Martin C

Martin C

Martin H

Martin P

McArthur G

McCash G

McCash J

McCracken C

McDonald J

McGillivray D

McGregor J

McLagan J

McQuibban W

Mechie J

Menzies A

Midgley Albert

Midgley Arthur

Milne M

Moncrieff T

Morgan A

Morton G

Muir A

Munro C

Nicholson G

Nolan F

Paterson J

Paterson R

Paterson RW

Paton E

Paton James Ley

Paton James

Peddie H

Penney J

Petrie J

Pilkington I

Pryde D

Purdie P

Purves W

Rae A

Rae W

Reid A

Ritchie J

Robertson C

Robertson Fergus

Robertson Forrest

Robertson R

Rogers D

Rogers R

Russell J

Saunders J

Scott A

Scott W

Scrimgeour J

Scrimgeour JA

Scrimgeour JS

Sieber J

Simpson J

Slater C

Smith H

Smith W

Sneddon A

Souter H

Stenning R

Stewart A

Stewart C

Stewart M

Stewart R

Strang G

Stuart J

Symon L

Taylor J

Taylor R

Taylor W

Thomson A

Thomson J

Thorburn W

Todd J

Tolmie C

Tulloch J

Turpie J

Veitch J

Watson H

Williams C

Wilson D

Wood D

Wotherspoon A