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Modern Languages


Modern Languages at Perth Academy

At Perth Academy, all students study French (2 periods per week) and Spanish (1 period per week) in S1 and S2. This gives students the opportunity to make an educated choice when picking their options for S3.

The students have different pathways available from S3.

  • French (progression towards N4/N5)
  • Spanish (progression towards N4/N5)
  • Gaelic (depending on uptake) (progression towards N4/N5)
  • German (depending on uptake) (progression towards N4/N5)
  • Languages for Life and Work - Level 3/4 Award
  • Languages and Culture - Level 2 Award

The department is made of dynamic teachers with a passion for language learning and strong sense of self-development. The department is currently engaging with the latest research from Dr Gianfranco Conti following on a lexico-grammar language teaching theory as well as an approach using listening to develop fluency in the language. Our aim is to ensure that our students are equipped with basic vocabulary and chunks of language as well as an understanding of key grammar points in order to develop some fluency when using language.

Homework information

BGE (S1-S3)

All BGE students are set homework via Teams. The weekly homework consists of the completion of 1 page or more from homework booklet (hard copy given at the start of each unit).

The students are also encouraged to practise vocabulary using http://quizlet.com.

At the end of each unit the students are also encouraged to complete a "challenge task" (Literature/authentic document).

The homework booklets comprise several support pages. If the students require further help, they could use an online dictionary such as http://wordreference.com. (Not google translate or equivalent)

Each booklet is also focusing on a specific skill from Perth Academy Skills framework.

Students can also be set a variety of other tasks by their class teachers.

The students should bring their homework booklet to class each lesson as it is the first point of support.

Senior phase (S4-S6)

The students pursuing towards a N5 or a Higher qualification will be set a variety of tasks each week aiming at preparing them for the final exam (listening-reading-writing) or to progress towards the completion of coursework.


ml and gaelic handbook.pdf



French Poster

Spanish Poster