The Lady Mackenzie Library lies at the heart of Perth Academy and is open to all staff and pupils for research, study and book borrowing. The staff, Mrs. Cooke, Mrs Trotter and Mrs Harrow aim to provide a supportive environment for formal and informal learning. The LML supports the teaching and learning of all pupils and aims to develop lifelong independent learners. Perth Academy has Scottish Book Trust “Reading School” Silver Accreditation.
We hold over 6000 regularly updated fiction and non-fiction titles in our stock including:
Fiction of different genres and reading levels
Graphics and manga
Dyslexia-friendly books and quick reads
Information books to use for research and reading for interest and enjoyment
Reference items
You can browse the catalogue and reserve books via Reading Cloud and we always welcome suggestions for books you would like to see in the Library! Please email your requests to us.
Inter Library Loans: if we do not hold an academic book or a journal, it can be requested from most libraries across the UK - useful for Senior Pupils and Staff.
In addition to books and access to online reference material, we also have a careers section (with info about colleges and universities) and local newspapers.
Our 20 networked PCs and 10 laptops are available for individual or class use and are particularly well used by our Senior pupils during study periods.
The Lady Mackenzie Library is not just a study and reading space though – it’s much, much more!
We work with classes on a wide variety of themes in creative ways like
STEM subjects researching and writing competitions
S1 Book Trail, S2 Reading Challenge and Book Speed Dating with the English department
History and drama projects
Paired Reading for S1s and Seniors
Library activities with ASN pupils
Referencing lessons for senior pupils
Homework club
National book prize reviews
Activities for Home Rooms
P7 transition activities
These are just some of the many events, activities and clubs we get involved in:
- Book Week Scotland, World Book Day, National Poetry Day
- Author visits
- Well-Read Inter-schools quiz for P & K schools
- Trips include Edinburgh Book Festival and the cinema
- Lunchtime and after school clubs